NAIT/OAC On-line Program
Students in Ontario interested in obtaining a license in Opticianry can now do so by enrolling in the NAIT/OAC Optical Sciences Eyeglass Contact Lens program. These programs are offered in an on-line distance delivery format so that you can fit your studies into your busy schedule. You will graduate with credentials to write the National Exams for licensing in Ontario and the rest of Canada. This program incorporates an on-line program with students working in the field under the supervision of a licensed optician supervisor.

Seneca College offers both a 2 year full time Opticianry program and also a 4 year part time program. For information click the following link.

Georgian College offers a 2 year full time Opticianry program.
For information click the following link.

La Cité College offers the only opticianry program in the Ottawa-Gatineau region. With a new eye care center, Lumiris, La Cité stands out by offering opticianry training focused on authentic learning experiences that faithfully reflects the job market, both in the laboratory and in their eye care center, Lumiris. This two-year program allows students to explore all facets of this profession. The program offers learning activities in ophthalmic testing, low vision devices, eyewear, contactology, entrepreneurship, and COOP internships within the industry. Graduates of this program have access to the NACOR exam which allows entry into the profession of Licensed Optician in Canada.
*Language of instruction is French

Le Collège La Cité offre le seul programme de formation d’opticien dans la région d’Ottawa-Gatineau. Doté d’un nouveau centre de la vue, Lumiris, La Cité se démarque en offrant une formation d’opticien axée sur des expériences d’apprentissage authentiques qui reflète fidèlement le marché de l’emploi, autant en laboratoire qu’au centre de la vue Lumiris. Ce programme de deux ans permet aux étudiants d’explorer toutes les facettes de cette profession. Le programme offre des activités d’apprentissage dans les tests ophtalmiques, les dispositifs de basse vision, la lunetterie, la contactologie, l’entrepreneuriat et les stages COOP en clinique privées. Les diplômés de ce programme ont accès à l’examen NACOR qui permet l’accès à la profession d’Opticien autorisé au Canada.
*La langue d'enseignement est le français
NOW Accredited in ONTARIO!
NAIT/OAC Refraction Course is available to all licensed Opticians. Take your education and skills to a new level by expanding your scope of knowledge to include refraction. Opticians work with refraction everyday whether you are a Registered Refracting Optician, a contact lens fitter, or while performing an over-refraction on a pair of eye glasses. It's the most logical next step on your journey as an Optician.