We have an all new addition to our educational events! ON Optics: Extra is a half day event focusing on PG credits.
Because we appreciate our members we have 3 FREE PG credits available to all our members if they attend our live event!
Round out your 2021 Continuing Education Portfolio by attending this FREE event.
Event Date: September 12, 2021 Event Time: 9:30am - 12:30pm ***Members Are Free*** Non-Members $20.00

ON Optics: Extra is a Professional Growth Centric Webcast and the perfect way to Round out your 2021 Continuing Education Portfolio. This half day webcast is available LIVE and ONLINE! ON Optics: Extra 2021 offers you:
Excellent and informative speakers -"College of Opticians of Ontario Update" Presented by Fazal Khan and Bryan Todd -"Avoiding Sexual Abuse Complaints from clients/Patients" Presented by Cathi Mietkiewicz - And one more speaker to be announced next week!
Up to 3 PG CE credits
Access to our Opticians ON Demand service for ON Optics: Extra and the ON Optics: Extra CE quizzes
Open to ALL Canadian Opticians!
Open to Members/Non-Members/Optometric Assistants/Students